Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Things that surprise me about Mamahood

  1. I really DO think that my baby is the most beautiful baby on the planet. I even demanded that my friend tell me if/that my baby was ugly so that I don't turn into one of those moms who thinks that her baby is beautiful even though it looks more like a troll.... She told me that my baby is beautiful.
  2. Breastfeeding is easy. Callie latched great. She seems to be satisfied with the quantity/quality of my milk. She's gaining weight. My nips don't hurt. I never got any "uncomfortable engorgement". I don't find it inconvienient to be tied down, feeding "all the time". I'm not nearly as modest as I thought I'd be.
  3. Pitocin induced labor wasn't bad at all. My contractions, even after my water broke, weren't even as bad as period cramps. Apparently, I either have really really bad period cramps or really really easy labor contractions. Wes said that I got up to the top of the little moniter graph, so.... To be completely honest, I got the Epidural anyway, out of fear that they would get worse, but, according to the moniter, they actually got a little less intense.
  4. Usually, I'm all for all the advice that I can get. In this case, I'm really not interested. I mean, I'm interested in what you did for your kids, and I might even borrow some ideas for myself. BUT, the second that a well-intentioned mama starts assuming that her way is better than mine or that I really should (whatever), I've already shut down. I'm quite confident in my ability to do what's best for my child and my family, thankyouverymuch.
  5. Interestingly a little bit tied to #4: Sometimes the person that you think is going to be the intrusive, pushy, advice-giver turns out to be the unconditional support-giver. And vice versa.
  6. I can get by on much less sleep than I thought.
  7. It's not boring AT ALL to stare into the eyes of a stranger that you love so much for hours on end.

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