Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My Plan? HA!

OB visit yesterday. None of the progress that I want, only the progress that I don't want.

I'm mayyyybe one cm dialated, and he said I was 50% effaced, but it was after seeing the disappointment on my face, so I suspect that was a gimme.

On the flip side, my blood pressure is creeping up, the edema is rapidly spreading up my body, and I can't go on bedrest with a toddler. I get way more "rest" at work than I do at home.

Ugh. God's plan. It's better than mine, right? RIGHT?


Dawn said...


You're in my prayers. Keep the updates coming.

mz said...

Oh man. I thought when I saw that you had posted that there might be some happy news and pics. Babies come when they come for a reason. You're in my prayers as well. Hang in there mama!

MooreMama said...

Not yet, Kelly.

The Edema is all the way up my legs (as far as I can see anyway...) and BP isn't going down.

We have an appt tomorrow and I suspect that we'll induce on Wednesday.