Friday, February 18, 2011

Conversations With My Children

(from the backseat, on our way home a few weeks ago)
Toddler:  Mama!  Dada home?
Me:  No, Baby, Daddy's working.
Toddler:  Dada count parts?  (It was Inventory Week at my husband's job a month or so ago.  Ever since then, he "counts parts" at his day job.)
Me:  No, Baby, Daddy's at the farm tonight.
Toddler:  Dada feed cows?
Me:  Yup, Daddy's feeeding the cows.
Toddler:  Cows saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.
Me:  The cows were sad, but now that Daddy's there to feed them, they'll be happy!
Toddler:  Cows sad.  Dada feed cows.  Cows haha (happy).  Dada feed cows HAMBURGERS!
Me:  (giggle Hamburgers, huh?
Toddler:  Cows haha.  Dada feed cows hamburgers and ICE CREAM!

Mmmmmmm.  Cheeseburgers.


Sue said...

That is so cute! Brings back memories of when my boys were small. It's so amazing what they come up with.

Dawn said...


Glad you're back.