Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Eleven Months!!!

See them? Can you see the teeth?
Our big girl is 19.7 lbs (courtesy of a Pediatrician visit yesterday, see the post above)
She is full on walking/running and has two bottom teeth in for real and two top teeth just below (above?!?) the surface. She can match shoes, point out Mama and Daddy, and wave bye bye.
We're still not sleeping through the night (which is the first thing anyone asks) with any consistancy and she's still not talking, but we're working on several consenants and love love love to say Dadadadadadadadada. If Daddy's around, he smiles real big and responds with Baybaybaybaybie.
She loves shoes, maryjanes in particular, and will bring you a pair to put on her.
Then, she'll prance around the house in her maryjanes and diaper.
She can get very resourceful when there are no teething rings handy.

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