Saturday, May 23, 2009

Callie just wants to say...

Happy Summer!

And the mama just wants to say: yes, that is a ginormas bruise on the baby's forehead. Actually, it's two of 'em, one right on top of the other. There are three more hidden my the Super Cute Floppy Hat. I'm going to probably have a heart attack before she fully learns how to walk.


Untamed Shrew said...

NO teeth?! I'm jealous. Also jealous that she's nursing 2-3x/night. Mine has become a trained night nurser--every 60-90 mins, refusing to go back down without the almighty breast. Some nights I'm so tired and angry I would let her cry, but with two other kids I have to shut her up asap.

I've lived through it before, and I'll live through it again. Pray for me, now and at the hour of my death. :-)

MooreMama said...

You can see her lack of teeth real well, huh?

My niece got her first tooth shortly after her first birthday and my sisters and I all got teeth "late"-ish, so I'm not really figuring that they'll be here for another couple of months at least...

And I'm glad that someone's baby is up more than mine, even if it's yours. :) I have my moments of weakness where I wonder what I'm doing wrong. Pray for me, too, wouldya?

Untamed Shrew said...

8-10x a night is not unusual here. I refuse to co-sleep and I refuse to Ferberize, so I don't know what I'm left with. I've looked into The Baby Whisperer, but didn't find it helpful. If Juliet were a day care kid, I might understand that she needed to make up for lost time. But I'm nursing aaaalll day and night. It sucks (pun intended). I can't get squat done around the house and we're about to move to the Holy City.

blah blah blah.... I know, I should get my own blahg.

MooreMama said...

You should (get your own blog... I'd read it!)

If it make you feel any better, Callie was up 6 or 7 times last night....

Rachel @ Moments With My Miracles said...

She is so cute in her little sunglasses!

MooreMama said...

THanks, Rachel! They strap on and the strap is under the hat, so she doesn't even know she can take them off. :) It was pretty fun to see her trying to figure out why it was dark all of a sudden when I put them on her, though!