Tuesday, November 10, 2009

oh, yeah, Halloween?

We got a Halloween Outfit instead of an actual costume. Second year running, because I'm a neglectful mom like that. :)
Haley got one, too, but her mom loves her more than I love Callie - she got to change into a nifty clown costume and go trick or treating later.
Did either girl look at the camera for documentary pictures?

Well...... not at the same time. Callie hasn't learned her "Cheese!" face yet.


Dawn said...

I'm kinda jealous of Callie's tights . . .

MooreMama said...

Are you? I'll let you in on a little secret: They used to be dollar store ladies' socks. I cut the toes and heels out, folded over what used to be the foot, and zig zag stitched them back together so they made a tube. Easy peasy, and super cutie, huh?

Dawn said...

You are a GENIUS!!!!!

I want to do such magic, but I'm not a genius. My sewing machine even growls at me if I get too close. :P

MooreMama said...

I'm not a genius, I'm poor and didn't want to pay Babylegs prices. :D

If your sweet Betty needs some legwarmers, I could arrange the hook up for you. Just say the word.