Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Milestone City

1) Callie is up to three steps at a time, definately On Purpose. She is especially willing to walk if she can finagle whipped cream as a reward.

2) Last night was Night Four of Sleeping Through (or basically through) the night. No tears involved on the part of the Mama OR the Baby. Go on ahead. Be jealous.


mz said...

Congratulations on reaching the fabled land of STTN!! :)

Baby girl still has at least three meals a night but since we cosleep I can at least sleep through them - most of the time.

Go Callie Go!! I'd walk for whipped cream too (if only I could have it!)

MooreMama said...

Kelly - really, I thought we were going to have to just turn off the moniter one night. one night waaaaaaaay in the future. But she just did it!

(last night, she woke up starving at about 3 am, but I'm hoping that she was just testing, not leaving the land of sttn)

no whipped cream for you? ugh. I'm sorry.