Thursday, July 8, 2010

My Week in Facebook Status Updates

MooreMama  thinks that I'll go and visit my friend that is two states away.  Tomorrow.  With an infant and a toddler, but otherwise by myself.
Monday 2:34 pm

MooreMama  is on the road.  This isn't so bad.  :)
Tuesday  10:56 am

MooreMama  just realised that I'm going to have to stop somewhere on this road trip.  Maybe I should pray for protection from the creepies.
Tuesday  10:59 am

MooreMama  's babies want out of their carseats.  I really should have stopped at that last travel stop and gotten them some lunch.
Tuesday  12:34 pm

MooreMama  is thanking God for the gaggle of  Mennonite women on a playdate at the McDonald's.  I was debating whether to go thirsty, carry both babies back in to the other part of the resteraunt, or take my eyes off of the Toddler long enough to go... one of the Mennonite ladies saw my delima and offered to go get my drink for me.  :)
Tuesday  1:40 pm

MooreMama  is happy that her daughter took so well to the Gauntlet children and parents.  And is even happier that the Toddler fell (almost) right asleep in a strange bed in a strange house. 
Tuesday  8:22 pm

MooreMama  enjoyed conversating with Mr. and Mrs. Gauntlets.  :)  And wishes that our towns were closer so it could be a more frequent happening.
Tuesday  11:31 pm

MooreMama  is on her way to the park with my friend and her children.  The Toddler is very much wishing that the train tracks would be beside the highway for the entire trip.  "Train!  Train!"
Wednesday  8:07 am

MooreMama  really likes those Gauntlets.  Toddler agrees.  She wanted to go home with them.  "Bye, bye, Mama!"
Wednesday  10:48 am
MooreMama  's girls were both asleep befor we got to the Interstate.  :)
Wednesday  11:06 am

MooreMama  's girls think that this trip should be ending about now.  And whoever designed the travel station restroom with the hand dryers right next to the baby changing station was obviously not the mother of small children.
Wednesday  4:49 pm

MooreMama  and her girls are home, safe and sound and hungry and tired and happy.
Wednesday  6:33 pm

MooreMama  's girls are making up for the disruption of their schedules.  The Toddler is on her second very long nap of the day and the Newbie has been nursing every two hours and sleeping most of the time in between.
Thursday  4:16 pm


Dawn said...

Hey! That was fun! :D

We also want to thank your good husband for sharing y'all with us. Right decent of him. :)

MooreMama said...

The good husband thought he was going to get a day to "sleep in" - ie after 5am. Too bad there was a police chase through our neighborhood that night. Lights, sirens, the whole thing... :)

MooreMama said...

and, since I couldn't comment in the proper place, know that you are ever in our prayers.