Friday, May 14, 2010

What is it about

this book?  I know that it's considered a classic, and that kids everywhere love it.  My kid, in fact, brings it to me at least thirty-eleven times a day, and we pore over every single page.  Is it horribly un-American that I really just don't love this book?  That she has shelves full of books that I'd rather read, and that I groan on the inside most times that she picks THIS ONE?  Can't we read the sweet Mommy Kisses one instead? 


Dawn said...

Goodnight Moon only works if you include sound effects. ;)

And it is completely reasonable to refuse to read any beloved children's book. My babies know to ask if I'm up for some given book before setting their hearts on it. :D I am the best mom in the WORLD.

MooreMama said...

sound effects. You're a genius. :)

Ginnie said...

I also don't like this book. We don't own it, on purpose.

And I have been known to hide Dora books.

Hannah said...

I possess a 4x6 image from when I was about 1-1.5 years old, on Dad's lap, engrossed in the book. :)