Callie's been (for a month or so) waking 3-ish times a night. The last two nights, she's (only) woken up at 1 am and then 4:30. At 4:30, she thinks she should be up for the day. But at least she's giving me that 6 hour stretch at the beginning. :D
I'd complain more, but she's not napping so well at the babysitters' and so she's fast asleep by 7, so the middle of the night and early morning are the only times I really get to play with her.
But it's almost the weekend. I'll have a real post and maybe some pictures in the next couple of days.
My horror story: Princess#2 slept really well the first few weeks, but soon became a trained night nurser. Up every hour (no joke!), refusing to go back to sleep without nursing. This lasted till she was about 18 mos. Princess#3 doesn't nap much at all during the day, but sleeps well at night--two 5-hour stretches, which I think is great.
Joy - Did you do anything differently?
People always ask me if Callie's "sleeping well" and I don't quite know how to answer, so I always say "Of course!". Between wake-ups, she sleeps well...
I honestly think it's just a difference in kids. The oly thing I can think that I did differently was that #1 had lots of bottles of my milk (at least the pump didn't make me bleed!), whereas #2 didn't ever have a bottle and wouldn't take a pacifier. So far, #3 hasn't either. I would say Callie IS sleeping well! Take advantage of napping when she naps on weekends, because you probably won't be able to with the next one! God never gives more than we can handle with His help.
Joy - are you ever going to get your own blog? (Not that I don't love it when you comment on mine...)
Maybe. I am just constantly feeling like I can't catch up and am flying by the seat of my pants. A blog would not only be a distraction from the things I should be doing, but would add to the guilt when I inevitably go weeks and months without posting. Then I'd get my feeling hurt when people said nothing or misunderstood me. How would that improve the quality of my life? Plus, I am terrified of technology. I'll shut up now--I'm starting to sound like an existentialist. =)
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