Monday, January 19, 2009

4 Month Stats

This morning (4 months, 9 days) Callie was 13.8 pounds, 24 3/4 inches long - both 50th%. I don't remember her head size, but it was 75th% (all the better to hold her magnificant brains!)

She rolls both ways, grasps things (and brings them to her mouth), and scoots - but does not bring her legs up under her body. She talks and talks and sings herself to sleep and blows raspberries like no one's business.


Untamed Shrew said...

I LOVE the 4-month age. They're still very much an infant, but there's no guilt in starting solid food and they actually enjoy toys.

(Not so big on the 10-month age. They start pitching fits and want to do things they physically can't do. The big plus: I refuse to nurse in church at that age. BUT--that's cause for a tantrum!)

I just read your "two shall become one" comment. That's actually pretty profound. I'll have to tell my husband.

MooreMama said...

Thanks, Joy! We actually have no intentions of starting solids yet, but she is starting to enjoy her toys. I think that our faces are still her favorite, but the dolls are a close second.

And it's funny when Pastors are profound, huh?