Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My BIG Girl, Part 2

We had our one month Pediatrician appointment yesterday.

My big girl weighs NINE POUNDS, plus a half an ounce (which puts her in the 50th percentile). She is 20 3/4 inches long, (45th percentile), and her head is 15 cm (80th percentile - all the better to hold her multitude of brains!).

For comparison's sake, at five days old, she was 6 lbs, 8 ozs (25th percentile), 19 inches, and her head was 14 1/4 cm (75th percentile).

Dr. S said that she was "among the best babies" that he'd seen "all day" and that, while he normally expects to see 2 lbs gained each month, he's not worrying about her over achievement at all - "it just means she's eating good." Go us!

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